Building Owners and developers

Product traceability enables developers to build with confidence

This is because a building or infrastructure works containing products and materials with easily-accessible information supports better quality control, installation and maintenance. BSI Identify is designed to ensure such principles are upheld and a better-quality built environment is constructed as a consequence. Reputation is everything in the built environment sector. Therefore, advocates of persistence and accessibility of product information will be showcasing their commitment to building safer, sustainable, high-calibre building and infrastructure works. Product identification and information services such as BSI Identify also benefit building owners and developers by:

  • Bringing greater clarity in terms of supply chain accountability to the building delivery process
  • Improving build efficiency and cost-effectivity by limiting on-site technical enquiries
  • Reducing the need for retrofit maintenance to achieve regulation compliance

Identifying specific products and their corresponding information couldn’t be easier with BSI Identify. The handover process is simplified, making the production of as-built information easier through the reference to BSI Identify’s Universal Persistent ID Number (UPIN). By integrating BSI Identify within their asset information, owners and operators can have complete visibility and traceability of all products and a clear route to source like-for-like replacements in the future. For more information on how BSI Identify optimises product traceability and to discover how the service can benefit your business, visit:

Read our blogs

Circularity as a waste management strategy for the built environment

Circular construction is an emerging business strategy that promotes the reuse and recycling of as many raw materials as possible in a bid to minimise CO2 emissions and waste to landfill. Circular construction, as an important component of sustainable development, is focused on promotion of the maximum reuse and recycling of raw materials and products to reduce waste and CO2 emissions.

Digital ID technology crucial to addressing poor building data issue

Poor building data is one of the biggest issues currently facing the construction industry. It results in costly delays, miscommunication and inefficiencies, resulting in a decrease in productivity and an increase in costs. Fortunately, digital ID technology’s use in furthering product traceability can provide a solution to this ongoing problem.

Is there an alternative to digitalization?

In the previous blogs in this series, I examined the progress our sector has made in the past decade or so. As explained progress is not the neat, linear path that we would maybe wish for, but that trial and error, despite being the most resilient path to change is seldom the most direct.

For Manufacturers

BSI Identify focuses on providing advanced identification solutions by working with manufacturers. The digital service ensures the highest levels of security and protection for construction product manufacturers by mitigating substitution pressure, reducing product failure risks and supporting correct installation.

For Supply Chain Operators

BSI Identify is a digital solution specifically tailored for the construction supply chain. Supply chain operators face challenges related to inventory management, tracking, and ensuring the authenticity and integrity of products, but BSI Identify can help address these challenges and enhance the security and efficiency.


This video addresses one of the significant challenges in the construction industry: ensuring that the specified products are indeed the ones installed. BSI Identify emerges as a solution, providing a lifetime marking on a product that leads directly to the technical data sheet with all necessary information.