Our Service For Manufacturers

Enduring access to construction product information

Safety in the built environment is a collective responsibility, but manufacturers can take the lead in delivering best practice.

BSI Identify is helping the sector solve the challenge of product traceability in the supply chain.

Ensure your products are part of the central and networked registry. Support your customers and the wider built environment sector in its response to regulatory demands following on from Dame Judith Hackitt’s Independent Review of the Building Regulations and Fire Safety.

BSI Identify system is a foundational infrastructure which provides open and enduring access to construction product information. Manufacturers have a single place to add and maintain their product information in real time.

Applicable for manufacturers, regardless of size or product type, the registry aims to become a de-facto service for the sector.

Driving safety in the construction industry

With BSI Identify you can improve your productivity and reduce costs, but also:

  • Secure your product specification and control substitution pressures
  • Reduce in-use product failure risks and safeguard your reputation by supporting correct installation
  • Help meet the requirements of the CCPI; code for construction product information
  • Get prepared for changes to legislation with requirements for product labelling and identification expected
  • Help lead change in the industry
  • Provide direct access to installation guidance (including videos) to builders and enforcers (building control) helping to ensure buildings comply

The result: better audit trails, product visibility and safety right across the built environment.

How does BSI Identify work?

BSI Identify gives users of your products rapid access to current and historic product resources - helping to put an end to the confusion of missing or out of date information. The registry uses proven technology designed to deliver reliable and long-term access to information to support those using construction products throughout the asset life cycle including managing all the safety risks that come with ambiguity, unmanaged substitution and inappropriate application.

Scan the BSI UPIN to the left and see for yourself.

View our How does BSI Identify work infographic to see the simple steps in applying the technology.

4 steps to accurate product identification and information

  1. Manufacturers register their products on the central and publicly accessible BSI Identify platform and receive a unique, enduring and traceable identifier called a BSI UPIN (Universal Persistent Identification Number) for every product

  2. BSI Identify holds these UPINs in an accessible and searchable registry. The technology used ensures that the index cannot be broken.

  3. UPINs can be integrated into digital models and workflows and the manufacturer can also mark or tag their products with the UPIN. They can be included within QR codes, NFC or RFID tags.

  4. The BSI UPIN acts as a smart web-enabled link that can signpost users to a page, controlled by the manufacturer, where they can quickly find all the most up-to-date information on a productfrom specification, installation and maintenance, to replacement, CE and recall/safety information. All queries about the product can be routed back to the manufacturer.

Driven by DOI technology

The powerful capabilities behind the BSI UPIN are delivered using the proven, globally distributed and scalable DOI System.

BSI is the only Registration Agency authorized to issue manufacturers with unique construction product IDs. Our UPIN's and the DOI system are built under the guidance of ISO 26324:2012 Information and documentation— Digital object identifier system.

Industry collaboration

BSI Identify benefits from BSI’s long-established collaboration with both the manufacturing and construction industries through its work in construction product standards and compliance, its market neutrality and independence, and its commitment to integrity, innovation and excellence.

To bring this concept to life, BSI worked closely with the Construction Products Association who are our founding industry partner in the project and industry representatives.

The Construction Products Association are delighted to be involved in BSI Identify to enable the control, maintenance and dissemination of up-to-date product information through the design, build and maintain lifecycle.

Peter Caplehorn Chief Executive, Construction Products Association

BSI have also partnered with Barbour ABI to demonstrate the connective power of BSI Identify. Industry buyers and specifiers will be supported, as manufacturer data on BSI Identify will be automatically linked to the Barbour platform.

Barbour ABI is excited to partner with BSI for the launch of Identify. We recognise that this innovative technology will make the difference in digitization, standards and safety in the industry. By welcoming BSI’s Identify on to our Barbour Product Search platform, we are making it clear and easy for buyers and specifiers to make the right choices when it comes to choosing products. We’re looking forward to helping Identify become prevalent across the industry.

Adam Valentine – Content and Operations Director

Our first live integration of BSI Identify’s UPIN is available on Guid3d Home. This will enable the ability to tag product UPIN’s to individual buildings and dwellings, supporting the handover of property information to homeowners and property managers.

Guid3d is passionate about standardisation and leading innovation that will help deliver safer buildings and ensure homeowners feel safe inside their homes. We’re proud to partner with BSI Identify to drive forward the digital revolution and improve building safety in the built environment.

Oliver Perry, Co-founder, Guid3d Limited