Easy access to accurate product identification and information

Hear more from our customer Fire Protection Limited

Fire Protection Limited is the leading company in the United Kingdom for providing fire resisting duct systems under the names of Flamebar BW11 & BW18.

The business was established in 1993 to provide fire resisting systems for ductworkin direct response to client and institutional demands. Accordingly, a comprehensive development programme is maintained in the company's R&D laboratory, which results in a portfolio of products fully tested and approved to British and European standards, suitable to match these requirements.

Fire Protection Limited's fire-rated ductwork systems result from expertise in two technologies: ductwork manufacturing and production of fire-resistant coatings. It's a level of expertise that creates an unrivalled system of fire protection in advance of more traditional forms of fire rated ducting products and systems.

The company's reputation has resulted in an impressive list of clients who seek advice on regulations and specification matters and also a notable list of Flamebar BW11 and BW18 project in the UK.

Why BSI Identify?

Joseph Argent, Technical Engineer at Fire Protection Ltd

We invested in BSI Identify because we wanted to improve the experience for our products' end user by allowing them easy access to accurate product identification and information. At present, it is often difficult to identify which products are installed in a building. This can be particularly hazardous in the context of life safety passive fire protection products. It is imperative that appropriately-certified products are correctly installed in accordance with a manufacturer's instructions. Missing and out-of-date information can lead to products being incorrectly maintained, substituted or removed altogether.

The Benefits

With BSI Identify, we have found setting up our products to be very quick and simple. We were given helpful training on how to use the system before we began. The interface is user friendly and we have not experiences any issues. In terms of how BSI Identify has thus far benefited us, we have printed new access door labels for our fire resisting duct systems that include the product-specific UPIN held by a QR code. This allows the end user to instantly identify us as the manufacturer. They can also access clear product information including operation/maintenance information and the standards to which the system is certified.